Though I will continue to collect this series, I'm going to take a break from reviewing it as I've quite clearly been falling behind. I'll make sure to do a full review of the next story arc on my Youtube account once it concludes...
Meanwhile, 451 heads to a hanger with the Voldi Heart in his hand. He recalls "the other thing" and reactivates the Iron Man armour, informing P.E.P.P.E.R of Tony's dilemma. He also asks that the A.I assure Stark that what's about to happen is for the best, before he leaves in a starfighter.
Back in the arena, Tony is keeping his distance from Death's Head, who decides that chasing Stark around the arena is "undignified" and asks him if he's familiar with the game of dodgeball, all whilst holding a giant rock in his hand. Just then the Iron Man armour bursts through the ceiling, immobilising Death's head with a single blast. As Tony thanks P.E.P.P.E.R and suits up, the Supreme Justicar declares that the trial is forfeit due to this intervention, ordering the drones to kill him.
Tony flees the ship, instructing P.E.P.P.E.R to plot a course to his portable armoury. He then contact's said armoury and requests that it prep the "warp homers". Tony arrives at the armoury shortly and attaches the warp homers, engaging the drones in combat, who don't have anything to say except "heretic!" (What riveting conversation they must make.)
Shocked at the arrival of these giants, the Supreme Justicar makes her way to the room containing the Voldi Heart, only to realise it's been stolen. Tears in her eyes, the Supreme Justicar tells her aide to evacuate everyone from the ship, while she holds off the threat.
P.E.P.P.E.R detects that the Tear is under attack from something. Since there's no way to relay this to the drones (whose sole directive is to "annihilate heresy") Tony asks her to get them back to the ship. As they head back, the drones suddenly cut out. 451 appears in the form of a giant, holographic head in an attempt to halt Iron Man, saying he should stay
clear, but Stark just flies through him. As he accelerates towards the ship, 451 explains to him that the Voldi used the Heart as a cloaking device to hide themselves from the many races they took power from. He needed the Heart for some unknown purpose and attempts to validate the genocide by comparing the Voldi to leeches.
Tony arrives to find the Voldi Tear utterly destroyed, with no survivors whatsoever. 451 apologise to Iron Man and reveals that he has been using Stark for quite some time. Tony realises that it was 451 who drew him here with the robot fleet and 451 who tipped off the Voldi as to who he was. As the droid leaves, he repeats what he said last issue, "it's not enough to watch, eventually, you have to act". After a brief pause, Tony declares to P.E.P.P.E.R that the killer is going to pay...
With the end of this storyline, we now have a brand new addition to Iron Man's rogues gallery, 451, and much of this storyline depends on whether or not he's an effective antagonist. We don't know his full motives for stealing the Voldi Heart and so that makes him difficult to judge as a character, but his creepy, manipulative demeanour and utter ruthlessness certainly counts in his favour as a villain, not to mention the fact that he just committed genocide.
The art by Greg Land is mixed. Though I enjoy his work more than most, there were a few too many unpolished pages here, particularly when the action shifts into space. Speaking of action, the fights are certainly exciting. The Star Giants & Celestial's certainly looked intimidating.
While the last few pages indicate that this story arc has been mostly concerned with setting up the next one. I've found it very enjoyable to read. I like Gillen's voice for Iron Man and the next story arc looks to be very interesting. Hopefully Gillen will be able to deliver on the Secret Origin of Tony Stark...