A faceless employee of the Time Variance Authority bursts into a room to tell his "superior" (see what I did there ;) ) Mr Oborus, that there's been an "incident". Oborus takes a look at the employees papers, authorising the target to be eliminated from the timestream, just as he realises the location of the fraction.SpOck checks up on the children one-by-one, constantly irritated at the fact that, well, their children (he has no help from Dragon Man, who is apparently a pacifist). He then comes to Bentley's room, where the young clone is working on blueprints for a chronal engine. He rudely dismisses SpOck, who then forcibly views his blueprints. they are interrupted by Dragon Man & Alex Power, who ask SpOck if he wants to work on a project or give a lecture. SpOck agrees and asks for them to gather everyone and begin brainstorming a way to eliminate crime.
This leads to SpOck knocking Death's Head's head off. The T.V.A pull an earlier version of Death's Head through to battle "Spidey", but he is swiftly defeated. The Future Foundation plead with SpOck to talk this out, which he reluctantly complies with. Mr Oborus tells him that in two days, a device created by the Future Foundation will rip a hole in the space/time continuum, causing chronal devastation. Otto quickly realises that it is Bentley who will do this (having glimpsed the plans for it earlier) and convinces him to destroy the plans by whispering a threat in his ear. The T.V.A confirm that this has indeed altered the timeline and leave, but not before Mr Oborus warns SpOck they'll be watching him.
Later, Ant Man & co return to find SpOck and the kids safe and sound. When Ant Man asks what happened, SpOck brags that he saved the universe and warns them not to pawn their responsibilities off on him (like he'd know anything about the word). As he leaves the Baxter Building, a T.V.A employee tells Mr Oborus that Otto indeed saved the timeline and that they lost track of Death's Head (who is now stuck in the present day) when the timeline readjusted. The employee asks what the future holds for Spider-Man. Oborus hands him a document containing such information, to which the employee reacts with shock. He asks Mr Oborus why they can't interfere and save all the lives SpOck is about to destroy. Mr Oborus replies that it's out of their jurisdiction and that he can't back up the threat he made to SpOck.
Meanwhile, it's revealed that Otto got what he wanted from the Baxter Building. He takes it back to his underwater lair, where it is revealed that what he stole was Sandman, trapped in a glass jar...
This is once again a very solid issue of Avenging. Its highly amusing to see Otto put in a situation he loathes. As far as I'm concerned it serves him right, the bespectacled git. The younger members of the Future Foundation are a little annoying, but that's kind of the point really. Seeing SpOck interact with them is the high point of the issue's comedy.The Time Variance Authority are the just the kind of oddball antagonists to go along with a story involving Fantastic Four characters, and I found them quite intriguing, though I didn't find Death's Head all that funny. To be honest, I didn't find this issue to be as fun as the last, but that's probably down to the fact that I don't know much about the Future Foundation, nor am I really that interested in them.
I like that Christopher Yost is gently threading a loose narrative across the series, the twist at the end is "sinister", and I'm very interested to see what Ock is planning to do. Paco Medina's artwork continues to impress, though I still wish he wouldn't draw SpOck with a nose spike. It makes him look more like Owl-Man. This series is in no danger of losing it's charm in my opinion, and I'm especially looking forward to seeing SpOck interact with Thor next issue, we'll see if he feels Superior then...