At the H.E.A.R.T clinic, Dr. Elias Wirtham, aka Cardiac, returns with Otto Octavius's Neurolitic Scanner. He reassures Amy Chen as he fixes the device to her head that it is a magic helmet.Wirtham tells another doctor, Vargas, that the scanner is working, but he knows there's more that it can do. Unfortunately, the only one who knows how to properly work the device is it's inventor.At Avengers Tower. SpOck is facing off with the Avengers while Ghost Spidey looks on. Peter makes the comment "not the face" which distracts Otto long enough for Black Widow to blast him in the back. Captain America then wallops Otto in the face with his shield and declares that it's time the Avengers got to the bottom of this.
Meanwhile, in her apartment, Carlie Cooper is on the phone to a mysterious individual who is apparently on a "leave of absence" thanks to her. She is (rightly) convinced that the Superior Spider-Man isn't the real Spider-Man, but she needs help from this person as she doesn't want to go into this half-cocked. The mystery person agrees to help her with the case.
As the other Avengers leave, Black Widow asks to speak to SpOck in private. She tells him that she knows what this is about. She thinks that Spider-Man's change in personality has to do with the death of Silver Sable in Ends of the Earth. She also says that she's there for him as he now has "red in his ledger" (I wonder what that's a reference to). As the two converse, Ghost Spidey manages to take control of his right hand and draws a picture on the notebook in front of SpOck without him noticing. Widow gives SpOck a flash drive containing the data he wanted, Otto thanking her for the offer. As he leaves, Natasha notices the drawing by Ghost Spidey, but dismisses it as a doodle.
Cardiac and the other doctors are prepping Amy for surgery when the alarm sounds. Cardiac suits up and confronts the intruder, who of course turns out to be SpOck, who engages Cardiac in combat when he refuses to yield the scanner. As they fight, Otto notices his invention and makes to snatch it off the girls head, with Peter trying his best to stop him. SpOck claims that he's in the right, retrieving the stolen property of Dr. Otto Octavius, but Cardiac interrupts saying that he's using the scanner to undo one of Ock's crimes. He explains to SpOck that Amy was in a car crash that killed her parents and left her with brain damage, the cause of which was Doc Ock's global warming scheme. Struck by a sense of responsibility, Otto fibs to the doctors and Cardiac that he has dedicated his life to studying Doc Ock's technology and he can work the scanner "like a virtuoso!" and perform the surgery himself.
The surgery goes off without a hitch thanks to Otto. Afterwards, he and Cardiac have a conversation in which they both admit they were wrong about each other, to the point where Otto even approves of the H.E.A.R.T clinic. He then asks to borrow the Neurolitic Scanner for a while, promising to return it once he's done. Cardiac agrees to this, notably calling SpOck friend. One of the other doctors then calls the two in, saying Amy wants to see the two of them. She thanks "Spider-Man" and offers him her toy, Mr Pinky Penguin. SpOck says he can't, but Cardiac reassures him that they've found her a replacement. A Spider-Man doll.
Later, at Horizon, as Otto muses over his "victory", Peter promises him it won't last as he will soon find a way back. Otto then responds with "no Peter, you won't", revealing that he can hear Peter now. He also reveals that "Peter" is in fact the memories of Peter Parker taking on a life of their own. SpOck instructs the Living Brain to prepare his equipment, as he's about to perform a "Parker-ectomy"...
After building up this showdown with the Avengers, having them scan SpOck and determine that he's fine is quite hard to swallow. I know the Avengers present aren't geniuses, but Slott makes them out to be monumentally stupid. SpOck attacked Captain America and refused to submit to the tests! Peter Parker would never do that and Cap should know that! It's such a massive cop out and what's worse is it could easily have been avoided by, oh I don't know, SpOck willingly submitting to the tests and not acting like a complete moron! Superior Spider-Man my arse! The scene with Black Widow is very mixed, the cheap gag at the end is annoying and the Avengers Assemble reference isn't exactly subtle, but I do like the way Widow opens up to "Spider-Man" and what could be done with this development going forward. Also it's good that SpOck remembers her words later on when he performs the surgery
I don't really have much to say about Humberto Ramos's artwork, there are some good shots here and there, though I was left confused by the Avengers vs SpOck scene, I couldn't tell if SpOck was dodging or being hit? While there is some very good stuff to be had in this issue, there's a lot of bad as well and it's just SO frustrating. I've been worried about the way #9 might be going for a while now and reading this issue hasn't helped at all...