Monday, 26 August 2013

Superior Spider-Man #16 Review!

Hello everybody, Donlinedude here and welcome to my review of Superior Spider-Man #16.


With everyone in the Bugle offices now staring at Phil Urch, Joe Robertson orders everyone to turn off their phone or get away from their keyboard, threatening to fire whoever texts, tweets, or posts a status update about the current situation. Ben Urich refuses to believe that his nephew is the Hobgoblin, but Norah is more sceptical, asking Phil to say himself that he is not the Hobgoblin.

Unfortunately for Phil, an anonymous employee tips off the media and "Spider-Man", who swiftly arrives at the Bugle. As Phil starts to lose it, Robbie reprimands SpOck for his handling of the situation and asks where his proof is. After noting the irony at play here, Otto proves his claim by explaining how he injected Phil with Nano-Spider Tracers. At this point, Phil finally snaps, activating his flame sword and using Norah as a hostage, quipping that "nothing says Goblin like a dead blonde!" (only if you're green though).
In his secret lab, Tiberius Stone laughs at Hobby's misfortune, before moving onto the next target on his list, Horizon Labs! As various news crews debate whether or not costumed vigilante's deserve secret identities, we cut to Captain Watanabe interrogating a Spider-Ling as the Wraith. Despite her use of "fear gas" (Man, Scarecrow would sue if he lived in the Marvel U, ha, rhyme!), the henchman maintains that everything involving their salary is above board. At Carlie Cooper's request, Watanabe sends her the Spider-Ling's bank number, which gives them a lead on a large (likely illegal) offshore account, and since Carlie knows Spidey's secret identity, this only serves to fuel her theory. The pair decide to travel to the Caymans in order to follow the money.

Back at the Bugle, Norah breaks free of Phil's grip and elbows him in the face, whilst also feeling the need to tell him their through (I don't think he'd have assumed otherwise). With no hostage, Phil resorts to using his Lunatic Laugh on the civilians. He falters however at the realisation that he's killing his "Uncle Ben", which allows SpOck to detonate the Nano-Tracers, stunning Urich. SpOck then tackles him through the window and out into the street.

Meanwhile, the Goblin King watches the chaos from his Goblin Underground. He chides "Spider-Man" for releasing Urich's identity to the public, remarking that "it's almost like you don't know how this game is played anymore" (if only you knew Gobby). He then instructs Menace (where the hell did she come from?) to bring Urich to him.

Surrounded by police and Spider-Lings, as well as several news-crews recording everything, Phil opts to surrender rather than continue to fight. SpOck picks up the now-discarded flame sword with the intention of killing him, but he's suddenly interrupted by an Avengers Priority Call from Captain America himself, who tells him that they need to talk (What, do you think he's a Skrull again Cap?). Otto deactivates the sword, thanking the people of New York for their efforts.

As the chaos dies down, the media begins to question why so many employees of the Bugle have led double lives as super villains. Robbie dismisses everyone except for Ben and Norah. He explains that Ben will have to be temporarily sidelined. Norah however will have to be let go since she was the one reporting the front page Hobgoblin stories.

En route to New Jersey, Phil Urich's convoy is attacked by Menace, who frees Phil and takes him to the Goblin Underground. After watching the news reports on his escape (Which includes SpOck blustering over it and Mayor Jameson dodging questions.) he's let in to see the Goblin King, but first he's given something else to wear. As he dons his new costume, the Goblin King informs him that Phil Urich's life is over, and this new identity, the Goblin Knight, is all he has. In return, the Goblin Knight promises to deliver "the spider" to the Goblin...


Thankfully this story arc has managed to end in a way that isn't a cop-out. There's good payoff to the characters, especially Phil Urich, the ongoing plot threads are built upon very nicely and art from Humberto Ramos is pretty good, although it's a little rushed in some places.

Despite Phil Urich being exceedingly irritating in his previous appearances, I actually felt a small amount of pity for him as his life crumbles to dust here and he goes down what looks to be the point of no return. Dan Slott gives a surprising amount of depth to this character in this issue, which justifies the somewhat tragic nature of this issue. You could almost say that "the Superior Spider-Man" did kill Phil Urich, as by the end all he has left is the Goblin. Watching him lose control in the Bugle offices was very tense and it made sense (Another rhyme!) because he's under pressure from numerous things. Norah Winters on the other hand is still very annoying, her dialogue was nothing short of nauseating.

I very much enjoyed the appearance of the Wraith and the way in which both her and Carlie Cooper's ongoing plot to expose Otto is building. The same can be said of the Goblin King, whose army is becoming pretty impressive with the additions of Menace and the Goblin Knight, even if Menace's appearance came out of nowhere. I also appreciated that we see more of the fallout from Otto's actions.

While it's not perfect, this issue is the most satisfactory, as well as the most fun, conclusion to a Superior Spidey story arc so far and actually leaves me jazzed for the next issue and the re-introduction of Spider-Man 2099...

Score: 4.0/5.0

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Spider-Man: Sibling Rivalry Review

Hello everybody, Donlinedude here & welcome to my review of Sibling Rivalry, the crossover storyline between Superior Spider-Man Team-Up & Scarlet Spider!


Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #2:

As the "Superior Spider-Man" goes about his new life, he narrates about how when he says that he is the greatest superhero ever, there is no ego at play, only fact (I think I'm going to be sick). As he arrives back at Peter Parker's apartment, still gushing about his accomplishments, he is startled by a voice, one that doesn't trip "his" Spider Sense. The voice belongs to Kaine, the Scarlet Spider (who actually earned that name), who says that he and "Peter" need to talk (I wonder what about?).

Unfortunately for Kaine, he's soon forcefully ejected from the building by Otto, who remembers how Kaine killed him some time ago by breaking his neck, and is certainly not in a forgiving mood. He attacks Kaine relentlessly, rambling about how he took his life. Kaine at first is confused by SpOck's actions, but he soon gets his head in the game and begins to dominate the fight.

Suddenly, a mutant spider-monster...thing interrupts the brawl, attacking Kaine. Correctly deducing that the Jackal is responsible for the creatures, SpOck decides to leave and let them kill each other, but is stopped by more mutant monsters. He's rescued by Kaine, who jokes that they "get away from his idiot brother". As they resume their fight with the clones, Otto attempts to use the moment to strike a killing blow to Kaine (Coward!) but he's thwarted by the Jackal of all people, who's backed up by several more mutant clones as well as Carrion.

Kaine leaps at the Jackal, with every intention of murdering him. Carrion gets in the way however and starts choking the life out of Scarlet Spider. Try as he might, Otto can't leave Kaine to his fate and saves him, declaring to himself that he will be the one to kill Kaine. He then heads for the Jackal, despite Kaine's protests, only to be blasted by a clone of Gwen Stacy, who apologises to "Peter". The weakened Spider-Men are surrounded by the Jackal, who proclaims that "this is going to be good."

Scarlet Spider #20:

Kaine awakens after a trippy dream/flashback to find himself and SpOck (who is busy insulting practically everything in the room) chained up. The Jackal arrives with
Carrion, informing Kaine & "Peter" that he's calibrated their shackles beyond Spider-Man's strength level. SpOck asks the Jackal what his endgame is, to which Jackal responds that he wants Peter's soul, every chromosome of it, which causes Otto to flip out, yelling that "his" DNA is his and his alone (Oh no it isn't). He also calls the Jackal pathetic for prattling on about nonsense (Hypocrite!), only to be surprised when the Jackal reveals he's already taken all the samples he needs.

Kaine then chooses the moment to break free of his chains and attack Jackal, who sics the mutant clones on him. Kaine frees SpOck, reasoning that he'll need some help. The Jackal orders Carrion to kill Kaine, the living virus complies by attempting to possess the Scarlet Spider, but he doesn't count on "The Other" presence inside Kaine's head. Having cut his way through most of the clones, Otto disarms the Gwen clone and attempts to kill her. Kaine prevents his "brother" from doing this, arguing that this isn't her fault. SpOck calls her an abomination, "a worthless mockery of humanity...just like all clones"

Swinging away, Otto throws a piece of detritus at the Jackal's equipment, setting off an explosion. The Jackal, horrified at the prospect of losing "his babies" charges into the fire to save the DNA samples. Kaine tries to save the Gwen clone, but she refuses his help, apologising again before she is consumed by the fire. Outside the building, Otto is feeling pleased over his actions, thinking he has disposed of the DNA samples, the Jackal & Kaine in one fell swoop. Suddenly, Kaine emerges from the wreckage, surprising SpOck. Kaine wants to know what the hell Otto was thinking, as he could have killed Kaine, walloping Otto in the jaw (now that's well deserved) when he responds that he "took the most efficient path". Kaine then walks away after telling "Peter" that while he knows he is not a hero, "Peter" is, and he should act like it. Otto swears that this isn't over as Kaine leaves.

While arriving back at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Housten with Aracely, Kaine is hit in the back of the neck by a mysterious pellet, which he assumes is a mosquito bite. While musing on "Peter's" words to him, Kaine makes a horrorfying discovery on his return to the hotel. His cellular degeneration is back!
Back at the Jackal's lair, it's revealed that he survived the explosion, and while all the samples he took from SpOck were lost, the mutant samples from Mister Sinister are intact since they're off-site. He also managed to salvage Kaine's DNA, which he plans to use to produce Spidercide 2.0!


When Marvel first unveiled the Superior Spider-Man's identity, the characters whose reactions I was itching to see the most was Venom & Scarlet Spider, which made this team-up a highly anticipated story for me, and for the most part, it didn't disappoint .

Kaine has proved to be a surprisingly compelling character in his solo series thanks to writer Christopher Yost and he's probably the best thing about this story. Kaine deals with a lot of abuse in this story, both physically and mentally, from Otto and the Jackal and I wound up feeling sorry for him by the end. Kaine is shown to really look up to Peter and though he doesn't say it, deep down he wants to be accepted by his "big brother", which makes it all the more heart wrenching that Otto is there instead to deal out some hurtful words. The final twist (while a little predictable) was rather exciting and it certainly looks to make the next few issues of Scarlet Spider impactful, though I hope that Kaine is still the Scarlet Spider when Peter inevitably returns as there would be some interesting stories to tell between the two.

This is the one time where I actually don't mind Otto being portrayed as an entirely reprehensible jerk
since it puts Kaine in an interesting place.The focus is really on Kaine for this story and Otto is just buisness as usual, though I appreciate that Yost remembers their prior conflict since it's a good driving point for a fight scene between the pair. I also appreciate that Otto gets his arse handed to him by Kaine during their fight (it's about time that happened). The Jackal is the weakest part of the story for me since his motivations are rather lacking. Why does he want to replace everyone with clones? That being said, I loved the "I'm not a Bond villain" scene, it felt straight out of Watchmen and gave Miles Warren more credibility as an antagonist.

The art on display is stunning. I've been continuously impressed with Marco Checchetto's work on Avenging Spider-Man and he knocks it out of the park in Superior Team-Up #2. K-Studios In-Hyuk Lee also produces some stellar artwork in Scarlet Spider, blending hyper-realism with comic book-style poses and angles.

While the plot is pretty predictable and the Jackal's motivations hollow, this is still a thrilling team-up story and I recommend you check it out simply for the art alone. So, one down, one to go, bring on Agent Venom...

Score: 3.5/5.0

Friday, 16 August 2013

Superior Spider-Man #15 Review

Hello everybody, Donlinedude here and welcome to my review of Superior Spider-Man #15.


Hobgoblin arrives at one of the Tinkerer's shops. He informs the Tinkerer of the destruction of Shadowland and asks that he fix his gear before abruptly leaving in a panic. The Tinkerer then opens a secret door to the back of the shop, where Tiberius Stone (whose been cowering there for weeks like the little weasel that he is) is working. With Kingpin out of the way, Stone no longer needs to hide from him. He agrees to do one final job for the Tinkerer, to fix Hobby's gear. While doing this, he thinks about the millions of ways to get back at the various people who've hurt him (including "Spider-Man"), declaring that they "MESSED WITH THE WRONG NERD!" (dude, seriously?).

Elsewhere, the "Superior Spider-Man's" minions and Spider-Bots are scouring the remains of Shadowland for the bodies of the Kingpin and the Hobgoblin. Carlie Cooper (whose investigating the site along with Captain Yuri Watanabe) pulls "Peter" aside for a quick chat, asking how on earth he can afford all the minions and equipment. SpOck answers that the cities helping out and she can ask Mayor Jameson. The body of Smedley Kornfield is soon unearthed, leading everyone, including Ock, to believe the Kingpin is dead. SpOck takes off, instructing Carlie to contact him once the Hobgob's bod is found. Carlie tells Yuri that she's all but certain of her "crazy theory about Spider-Man", relaying what "Pete" told her to Watanabe, who decides to do some investigating as her vigilante alter ego, the Wraith!

Meanwhile, Phil Urich is in trouble. Despite bagging a fat check from the Bugle for his Goblin footage, it's not enough to cover his rent to Roderick Kingsley, the original Hobgoblin, or his fixed gadgets. After a call from Kingsley, Phil resorts to robbing banks per his suggestion.

All the while, Spider-Ock becomes frustrated at his inability to locate Hobgoblin. He muses in his lair
whether he should commit 100% to Spider-Man and abandon the life of Peter Parker, only to put that thought out of his head when he receives a call from Anna Maria Marconi.

Realising that the Hobgoblin is unknowingly piggybacking off of his Spider-Bot hack and that this could tip Spider-Ock off to his schemes, the Goblin King shuts the program down temporarily and instructs his men to lie low for awhile, wondering aloud how well "the wannabe" will do against the Spider.

The call from Anna Maria turns out to be a summons to the Chancellor of ESU's office. He tells "Parker" that he'll be receiving a full credit despite his "spotty" attendance, at which point Otto kisses up to Doctor Lamaze. While leaving, Anna tells Peter that she cares about their future, which pleases Otto (I think that was the look on his face anyway?) though "unfortunately" he has to leave as the Hobgoblin has been spotted.

SpOck wastes no time in attacking Hobby, who is also furious at Spidey for ruining his job with the Kingpin. He attempts to kill SpOck with his flame sword, but Stone (who is observing not too far away) turns the device off via remote, which leads Otto to regain the upper hand. Gobby then retreats and discards his costume. Having tagged him with some Nano Spider-Tracers, SpOck is able to listen in on Phil bursting into the Bugle offices demanding an advance on his Goblin footage. SpOck then activates a feed broadcasting on every channel, instructing everyone in the city to contact him if they find the Hobgoblin, exposing his identity as Phil Urich (oh snap!)..


Okay, this is actually going quite well. The story has not at all gone the way I was expecting, but unlike the last story arc, that's actually a good thing. Despite the huge amount of plot elements Dan Slott is juggling around, he manages to keep a balance between them for the most part. I was relieved to finally get a moment of contemplation with Otto Octavius, never mind the fact that it took us a total fifteen issues to get to this point, and the idea he brings up about abandoning the Peter Parker persona is very intriguing.

Since Phil Urich has been soooo annoying in his appearances as the Hobgoblin, I actually found it quite amusing to watch his life come crashing down his pointy ears. "Since when did
being a bad guy become a job?" The Goblin King is becoming rather compelling as a master manipulator, and it was nice to see him exercise some common sense unlike Otto. I was also interested in the fact that both his and his assistants faces was kept obscured, much how it was in the original comics, Unless it's a fake out and its just ol' Stormin' Norman, I'm expecting a twist regarding the Goblin King's identity.

I didn't care for the way Mary Jane was characterised. After fifteen issues (not to mention all the guest appearances and team-up series) she's just now entertaining the thought of something being wrong with Peter? That's respect for your supporting cast right there. She should have been suspicious a long time ago.

Humberto Ramos' draws some good panels for the most part, although that shot of Happy SpOck is just wrong. To quote Scott Pilgrim, "that is eeeevil!"
Overall, a decent issue and hopefully the cliffhanger will be paid of in good form next time, though I've still got my doubts...

Score: 3.0/5.0

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2 Review

Galactuspool hungers...for chimichangas!!

Hello everybody. Donlinedude here and welcome to my review of Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2.


In an unnamed, dystopian reality, Dreadpool (the Deadpool from Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe & Deadpool Killustrated) addresses a huge crowd of other Deadpool's from various realities. He thanks them for supporting his "grand design", but informs them that there is a traitor in their midst who is feeding information to the "resistance". The traitor is revealed as Beard of Beespool (Seriously?), who is promptly killed by none other than Evil Deadpool!

Elsewhere, in the middle of multiversal space on board the Bea Arthur, The Watcher recounts the events of  Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe & Deadpool Killustrated to 616 Deadpool. He explains that Dreadpool came to the conclusion that he and all forms of Deadpool are the source of all reality since Deadpool is the only one to realise that the world is fictional, and therefore all forms of Deadpool must die. The conversation is interrupted by Pulp-Pool (he seems to like doing that) who warns everyone they're in for a rough landing.

The Bea Arthur crash lands in the middle of an amusement park, though no one is harmed. While disembarking, Deadpool talks to Lady D about how the Watcher "seems a little "fanboy" about us". Of course, the Watcher overhears them, responding that he was assigned to watch over the various incarnations of the Merc With the Mouth and developed an appreciation for all things Deadpool, which has led to him breaking his sacred Watchers oath of never interfering (which makes him practically useless to the team).

The group head inside a circus tent to rendezvous with the rest of the resistance, only to discover nearly all them dead. Kidpool pulls a sword from one of the bodies, knowing some of the Pool's can still heal. Unfortunately it's a booby trap, setting off a time-bomb. Deadpool, Lady D, Pulp-Pool and the Watcher only just escape before the bomb explodes, seemingly killing Kidpool. Deadpool and the gang are then confronted by Evil Deadpool, a Deadpool ridden with various mouths known as Cesspool and Deadpool versions of Wolverine, Deathlok and Spiral.

However, salvation is at hand in the form of Pandapool (yeah, you heard me right), who leaps to the rescue, utterly destroying Deathlok-Pool and allowing Deadpool and his team the chance to recoup and take on their alternaverse selves. During the battle, the Watcher is revealed as a double agent, since he can't decide which Deadpool he likes best. Deadpool is enraged by this and yells at him about it, stopping when he notices blood raining down.

Turns out that Wolviepool decapitated Pulp-Pool, turning him into a human fountain. An angry Deadpool attacks Evil Deadpool, swearing that he's going to kill him. E.D replies that he ready to die before he got here, revealing that this was a suicide mission. Looking up, Deadpool and the others bear witness to the coming of Galactuspool!...


Wow, what utter madness! This issue cranks the insane-o-meter up to eleven and then breaks the lever so it's permanently stuck at eleven. Cullen Bunn really lets his imagination take hold when it comes to the various Deadpool's shown in this issue. I cracked up at the sight of Pandapool & Galactuspool and was pleasantly surprised at the reappearance of Evil Deadpool. The only criticism I have is why so many Deadpool's are on Dreadpool's side? Surely they don't all want reality to end? Hopefully this will be explained next issue.

The fact that there are now two warring factions of Deadpools means this series can fully live up to it's title, and it certainly does that here. While I kind of saw Pulp-Pool's death coming, the death of Kidpool was both surprising and kind of saddening, though I'm not sure we should count him out yet since we didn't actually see him die. The Watcher was also very funny, and his being a raging fanboy for all things Deadpool was given a plausible enough explanation (For a Deadpool comic anyway).

Salva Espin renders the sheer madness of this issue spectacularly. The designs for all the Deadpool's look brilliant and the action scenes just pop. Considering this series has a parental advisory, this issue is actually light on extreme violence, at least until the end. Overall this issue is very fun and I can't wait for the next part.

Score: 4.0/5.0

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

My Thoughts On the X-Force Movie & My Top 5 Choices For the Roster

Hello everybody, Donlinedude here.
So as if X-Men: Days of Future Past wasn't enough for us X-fans to get "x-cited" about, it seems that an X-Force film has been all but confirmed to be in development, with Kick Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow assigned to write the movie and Lauren Shuler Donner producing.
The way I see it, X-Force seems to be an attempt by 20th Century Fox to match what Marvel Studios are doing with next years Guardians of the Galaxy. Marvel have been pushing the idea of Guardians being an anti-hero movie and, given the nature of several of the members in the comics, X-Force would certainly match up with that.
Just to clarify, I haven't read much X-Force apart from the first two arcs of Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force, and the more recent Cable & X-Force. I've enjoyed both (Uncanny a little more to be honest) and I'm certainly looking forward to this film. Though it's unlikely the studio will go this route, I think perhaps this should be a darker spin-off intended more for adults, especially since in Remender's X-Force the team is put together specifically to do what the X-Men cannot, like assassination for instance.
Moving onto the roster. Mark Millar, whose recently become the creative consultant on the X-Men films, has said that there will be five members on the team, which makes a Top 5 list all the more relevant in my opinion. The criteria for this list will be anti-hero. The heroes I have chosen have to have operated as either thieves or assassins in the comics, or at least be willing to kill.

As much as I love him, Wolverine won't be included on this list. Despite being a member of X-Force during Remender's run and Crag Kyle & Christopher Yost's before that, the big-screen version of the team needs to stand on it's own, separate from the other teams (until they decide to do another crossover film) and that means none of the main X-Men characters, which of course, includes Wolverine. Plus, Hugh Jackman recently announced that he's taking a break from acting. But anyway, enough chit-chat, let's start the list...

No. 5: Warpath

I know very little about Warpath save for rudimentary research via Wikipedia, but since he was a founding member of X-Force, along with his rather interesting Super-Soldier-like mutation, he'd be a pretty safe bet for an X-Force film. After all, every team needs the mostly serious strongman. He even carries twin knives like Drax the Destroyer, which is even funnier considering the comparison I just made to Guardians.
Despite my lack of familiarity with Warpath, that looks set to change since the character has been confirmed to appear in Days of Future Past. Considering the immense ensemble cast that movie already has, a new addition like Warpath is certainly questionable, or is it? Perhaps Warpath is there to set up the X-Force movie in a post-credits scene? Whether or not that's true, I'm pretty sure that we'll see Warpath in X-Force.

No. 4: Domino

 The X-Men franchise certainly isn't lacking when it comes to strong female characters, but Domino is probably the most synonymous with X-Force out of all of them. Assuming the plan is for a darker, grittier movie then Domino fits the bill since she has quite a tough exterior. She'd also function well as the sole woman on the team due to her flirtatious personality.
When it comes to casting Domino, I think Dredd's Lena Heady would be a good choice, I can certainly see a resemblance between the two and Headey could defintely bring the tough-as nails Domino to life. With Black Widow & Gamora setting the trend for tough and complex female characters, Domino is all the more likely to have a spot on X-Force.

No. 3: Gambit

I know what you're thinking. Yes, Gambit has never been a member of X-Force in the comics, but it's not exactly new for superhero movies to mix things up a little, Mystique was never an original X-Man, but that didn't stop First Class, and thank goodness. Gambit's dry, streetwise attitude would be a good match for the tone of X-Force. He could be like Captain Kirk in Star Trek, flirting constantly with Domino who'll wind up with someone else (I wonder who that could be?).
Casting wise, Taylor Kitsch gave a pretty good turn as Gambit in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Let's face it, the performances were the best thing about that movie.) so it's only fair that he reprise his role here. What's that you say? Gambit can't be in this movie because Origins takes place in the seventies and eighties? Well there's two options to get around further convoluting this already jumbled timeline. Gambit could be recruited from that period and then brought to the present via time travel, or we could take another step towards retconning Origins out of existence and just say Gambit's in the present. How could Gambit time travel to the present you ask? Well, maybe with a little help from...

No. 2: Cable

Let's face it, Cable is a stalwart of X-Force, as well as a fan favourite. It would be a huge surprise if he didn't have a starring role in the film. I mentioned before that Warpath could be in Days of Future Past to set up X-Force in a post credits scene, and if that's true then Cable will likely appear too. It's a logical step to introduce a character like Nate Summers after the time travel shenanigans in Days.
Since X-Force is likely to be an anti-hero film, morality would be a good theme for the movie. Cable would definitely be at the centre of that, especially if the plot involved him travelling back in time with the intention of killing someone in order to change the future. Also, the more enigmatic Cable is, the better. The team could question whether or not he can be trusted which would add a nice layer of tension to the proceedings. Obviously some of Cable's backstory would need to be layed out as the film progresses, though if they do still have him as Cyclops' son, then they should probably leave that out until Scott returns to life in the X-films.
Avatar's Stephen Lang has expressed interest in playing Cable, and while I think he looks the part and would give a good performance, I doubt he'll be cast since the producers will want an actor who'll be able to commit to playing Nate for multiple movies. Personally, I think Josh Brolin would be a good pick for Cable. He also looks and sounds the part. Regardless of whose cast, Cable needs that "man of few words" personality to remain intact. It's one of many reasons the character has such a cult following.


Honourable Mention: X-23

If I could pick any other woman to join X-Force, then this would be the one. It would be great to see X-23 on this team, but since she hasn't been properly established in the X-Men "movie-verse" it would be highly unlikely if she appeared and that's why she just misses out on the top five. Perhaps she could be in the sequel, assuming she's set up in the next X-Men or Wolverine film.
Since she's a clone of Wolverine, the ideal actress to play X-23 would have to be someone who can accurately portray an aggressive, and sometimes feral, character. The producers would likely cast an unknown actress in the role, but just in case they think otherwise, I reckon Chloe Grace Moretz would be a good choice down the line...

No. 1: Deadpool

Now some X-Force fans might be annoyed that I'm ranking Deadpool above Cable, but as a Deadpool fan, I had to put him top of the list. Deadpool is closely tied to X-Force, he first appeared in an issue of the series as an antagonist and later joined the Uncanny X-Force iteration of the team, with Remender giving us a more toned down Deadpool who was still very funny. He deserves to be here as much as Cable does, some of the film's focus could be on the dynamic between the two, as a nod to the Cable & Deadpool series. The fans would certainly eat that up.

This would also be a great way to set up the Deadpool film that Fox keep throwing around but never seems to actually get greenlit. Remender's Deadpool would be a good decision for this movie from a storytelling perspective. If Wade was constantly breaking the fourth wall during the movie, viewers wouldn't be able to take it seriously.
Ryan Reynolds would have to return as the Merc with a Mouth. Considering that he's been attached to the Deadpool movie for over four years now, it's pretty safe to say he's dedicated to the role, and it would be nice to see him play the actual Deadpool this time. He's got the right kind of voice and energy for the character, and as long as Wadlow feeds him some funny gags, I'm confident he'll prove to be a show stealer.
Co-creator Rob Liefield has said that Cable & Deadpool WILL be in the X-Force movie, and given the popularity of the two, there isn't much reason to argue otherwise. I just hope Deadpool in particular is done right. The last thing we all want is a repeat of Baraka-Pool!

Monday, 5 August 2013

New Comic Book Review Uploaded!

Hello everybody, Donlinedude here.

Well after an unintentional break from Youtube, I've finally got a new video up, another Comic Book Review to be precise, and with The Wolverine now in theaters, what better comic to review than the classic 1982 mini-series by Chris Claremont & Frank Miller.
Hope you all enjoy the video and please subscribe if you'd like to see more :)...