Friday, 24 May 2013

Doctor Who Series 7: The Name of the Doctor Review

Full spoilers for the episode follow. 

Hello everybody & welcome to my review of the finale to Series 7: Part 2 of Doctor Who. The Name of the Doctor.

There's been a lot building up to this episode. There's been the mystery surrounding Clara Oswald,  the Great Intelligence, the planet Trenzalore and of course The Name of the Doctor. It's thankful then that Stephen Moffat has managed to deliver a brilliant (though not entirely perfect) episode that has left me even more excited for the 50th anniversary special.
The plot of the episode is very compelling, and despite the initially smaller scope when compared to previous series, there's an epic nature throughout, especially in the last act when things escalate considerably. There's also an element of sadness throughout, as the Doctor is forced to visit his future grave on Trenzalore in order to save his friends. Matt Smith really nails the emotional moments in this episode (& there are a lot of those by the way), and the almost weary tone in his voice is a nice touch to the performance. Matt has really come into his own as the character during this series now that he has more serious material to dig into & his chemistry with Jenna-Louise Coleman has been very fun to watch. Coleman also nail's the emotional material as Clara Oswald. Clara has quickly become one of my favourite companions since the series re-launched, right up there with Rose Tyler. She's given a great moment in the third act where she chooses to sacrifice herself to save the Doctor, which gives Moffat the opportunity for a hell of a lot of fan-service.
 The supporting cast across the board deliver in spades. Dan Starkey as Strax gets some of the episodes biggest laughs, the best being the gag of him wrestling Scotsmen in Glasgow during his day off, that one had me laughing. Neve McIntosh & Catrin Stewart are also very good and they handle the more dramatic material they are given with ease. I also really liked the "conference call" scene, which took place in a communal dreamstate (that's the kind of writing I like to see from Moffat). Alex Kingston is brilliant in what looks to be her final appearance as River Song (though there's always the chance that Moffat might use a younger version of her later on). I've had a mixed opinion on River over the past series, the character became quite annoying from Series 5 onward, particularly after the shock reveal in A Good Man Goes to War (this isn't a criticism of Kingston's acting, it's just the dialogue the character was given and her sketchy characterisation), but here, since this takes place after Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead from River's perspective, the character is better handled by Moffat's script and is given the send-off she deserves.
The Great Intelligence returns as the primary villain (which wasn't exactly a surprise given his cameo in The Bells of Saint John) and while he is a very sinister presence, his new minions, the Whispermen, don't do very much in the episode other than kidnap the Doctor's friends and attempt to stop their hearts in a later scene. Richard E. Grant however gives a very creepy performance as the G.I. His plan to enter the Doctor's "grave", which in this case is a column of energy set inside a wrecked future-TARDIS (which is also gigantic as a result of the bigger-on-the-inside leaking out) to undo the Doctor's past is diabolical, although his line about wanting vengeance kind of irritated me. The only problem with this villain plot is that it's impact is diminished because the Great Intelligence hasn't been enough of a presence in the series to warrant this kind of line. He appeared twice during Patrick Troughton's run on the series and has only appeared as the main villain once before. Maybe if we'd gotten a line that indicated that the G.I was previously affiliated with the Silence perhaps?
 The Great Intelligence's plan provides an excuse for some classic Doctor action, as we see flashes of all the classic series Doctor's with Clara & the G.I. Now at times this looks really seamless, especially
during the awesome pre-credits scene where Clara meets the First Doctor himself, William Hartnell, stealing the TARDIS from Galifrey. Other times though, it's pretty obvious that Jenna & Richard have been superimposed into the archive footage from the classic, but I dug the novelty too much to care.

Clara's sacrifice at the end provides a great explanation for how she has met the Doctor and died several times, in fact it's enhanced by the classic Doctor appearances. One of the best things about this episode (and in the case of the recent series, original) is that the Doctor actually repays Clara for her sacrifice and saves her, going so far as risking his own timestream collapsing in on itself to do so. The big reveal at the end and the surprise appearance from John Hurt (I got chills when I heard his voice) was masterfully handled and the line delivery from Hurt & Matt Smith was pitch perfect. I'm interested to see how Stephen Moffat explains this "secret incarnation" of the Doctor
The production aspects of this episode are blockbuster standard. Trenzalore is dark, gloomy and morbid, the same applies to the vegetation-ridden future-TARDIS (which reminded me a little bit of Portal 2). The direction from Saul Metztein was superb, he's quickly becoming one of my favourite directors on the show. There are plenty of awesome money shots here. The ending scenes set inside the Doctor's timestream are rushed in some places though. The Doctor Clara reunion was swept aside a little too quickly in favour of the big reveal. This was a truly fantastic episode, a fabulous return to form for Stephen Moffat and a fitting end to the current series. Now we just have to wait 6 whole months for the 50th. Right now I wish I had a TARDIS of my own...

Score: 4.5/5.0

Monday, 20 May 2013

Doctor Who: Series 7: Nightmare in Silver Review

Hello everybody and welcome to my review of Nightmare in Silver.

When Neil Gaiman wrote "The Doctor's Wife" in 2011, he created a fantastic tale that was pure, quintessential Who, which enhanced the very premise of the series and was the absolute standout episode of Series 6. Naturally, anticipation has been high for Gaiman's second story, especially since it features the Cybermen. It's a shame then this episode proved to be something of a disappointment.

Picking up from the amusing cliffhanger at the end of "The Crimson Horror", the Doctor takes Clara and the kids (Angie & Artie) to whom she is nanny (after they sort of blackmailed Clara into taking them with her) to an extraterrestrial theme park, which they soon discover to be full of Cybermen. After Angie & Artie are kidnapped and the Doctor is partially infused with Cyber-technology, Clara must lead a military platoon against the Cybermen, who are now more powerful than ever.
This sounds like a decent premise, but unfortunately there is too much going on in this episode and most of the plot threads don't properly come to fruition. The biggest problem are the children, Angie & Artie. Putting aside the fact that the child actors aren't very good (I'm sorry but I have to be honest here), the characters themselves are just frustrating to watch. Angie in particular comes across as extremely unlikable. I don't care how dilapidated the theme park looks, if I were that girl, I would be far too amazed at the fact that I just TRAVELLED IN TIME to care about whether or not my phone had 3G. Artie is just an empty vessel, there's nothing interesting about him whatsoever. Thankfully these two are benched for the rest of the episode a quarter of the way in after they are given Cyber ear pieces. Maybe Gaiman became just as annoyed with the children as I did (though that doesn't really excuse him for writing bad dialogue for them, sorry again).

The guest stars are a little mixed, Tamzin Outhwaite has a pointless role as the leader of the military platoon, who is killed just as her character is given something to do. Warwick Davies gives a good performance as Porridge, but he doesn't get enough of a purpose to be onscreen until the end, which admittedly was kind of a surprise, though the moment when he asks Clara to marry him was quite forced and came out of nowhere. Jason Watkins fares quite well as Webley to begin with, but his character just fades off the map after he is infused with Cyber technology.
The Cybermen themselves are a mixed bag. While the new design looks very cool (miles better than the "Mighty Morphin" Daleks re-design from Victory of the Daleks), they aren't given enough screentime which diminishes the impact of their new abilities. There are some chilling moments. but they're few and far between. It's also frustrating that Nicholas Briggs only gets a few lines of dialogue, and even then it's the same sentence repeated. The Cyber-Mites are really creepy and they're a good evolution from the Cybermat's, which in honesty looked a little clunky.

The best thing about this episode is the Doctor's mental battle with the Cyber Planner/Mr Clever. This allowed Matt Smith to give a great performance as he switched back and forth between the two personalities, the Cyber Planner allowing Matt to turn the creepy dial up to eleven (see what I did there). This definitely reminded me of Superior Spider-Man, except here, the malevolent persona was rightly expunged in the end.

Jenna-Louise Coleman got some funny scenes here as Clara commanded the somewhat incompetent squad of soldiers against the Cybermen, though it did make Tamzin Outhwaite's character even more useless. While I've heard some criticism that this is out of character for Clara. I see it as more of an evolution of the character. Clara has faced down some pretty scary monsters in this series so it's natural that she would eventually become more confident in the face of danger.

The production aspects of this episode are mixed. There's some sloppy editing in places and the effect of the Cybermen disintegrating when they're hit with a shot from Clara's gun looks pretty lacklustre. The shot of the army of Cybermen however looks great and it gives the episode a much needed epic scope, and the props and make-up are very good, particularly the Cybertech on the Doctor's face, and of course Murray Gold's music is awesome. I'm glad that the theme of the Cybermen from Series 2 is still there, even if it has been changed up a bit.

Overall this was an ok episode, though by Gaiman's standards, it was quite an anticlimax. Every writer produces a dud now and again though, it's just a shame that it had to be this one...

Score: 2.5/5.0

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Doctor Who Series 7: The Crimson Horror Review

Full spoilers for the episode follow.

Hello everybody and welcome to my review of The Crimson Horror. I realise I've fallen behind a bit in my reviews for Series 7 (tbh I've been falling behind on all my reviews). I'm sorry for the delay and I'll try and get my reviews of the previous two episodes up as soon as I can.

So far I've enjoyed this series as a whole. Jenna-Louise Coleman's Clara Oswin is easily a more interesting and compelling companion than Karen Gillen's Amy Pond and Matt Smith has really benefited well from the more serious, yet still fun tone of this new series.

So far though, none of the episodes have been able to re-capture the fun factor that I had with the series premiere, The Bells of Saint John, and after the admittedly disappointing "Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS", I was a little worried. Thankfully The Crimson Horror delivered on that aspect in spades. This was a very fun episode.

The first half of the episode is from the perspective of the Silurian detective Madame Vastra her human wife Jenny & their butler, the Sontaran known as Strax. I've always had a fondness for these three characters since their first appearance in "A Good Man Goes to War" and they certainly haven't worn out their welcome yet. Jenny plays a bigger role here than in previous episodes and Catrin Stewart is clearly having a lot of fun with the role. This comes at the expense of Madame Vastra who has less screentime but that's forgivable as the character of Jenny needed fleshing out and Vastra has had enough exposure in previous episodes, and of course Neve McIntosh gives a good performance as the character. Strax meanwhile is just a bundle of fun and Dan Starkly is an absolute riot in the role, providing many of the episodes laughs.

Don't take this to mean that the Doctor & Clara don't feature prominently, once they appear we have a nice, old timey flashback to how they became mixed up in this story. Matt Smith is really coming into his own now as the titular character and the same applies to Jenna-Louise Coleman, these two have such great chemistry, and their Yorkshire accents weren't that bad either.
For the villain, we have Dame Diana Rigg as Ms Gillyflower, who along with her prehistoric leech companion, Mr Sweet, plans to cover the skies with his venom. Dame Diana turns in a grade-A performance as the villain. Ms Gillyflower is certainly a villain we love to hate by the end of the episode. She is joined by her real life daughter Rachel Stirling, who plays Gillyflower's disfigured daughter, Ada. This is in fact the first time these two have acted alongside one another. There's plenty of intensity in their scenes together and I really came to like the character of Ada after a while. Her scenes with the Doctor were very emotional.

The direction by Saul Metztein was very good and the same applied to Murray Gold's music (though in honesty Murray Gold always delivers). Mark Gatiss provides a witty script with plenty of laughs sprinkled in, though they are balanced by some dark and serious moments, such as the revelation that Ms Gillyflower experimented on her daughter so she could develop an anti-toxin to Mr Sweet's venom. What a nasty old woman!

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. It wasn't perfect, there were a few problems (the Tom-Tom joke wasn't that funny and it felt out of place with the Victorian setting), but nothing glaring enough to ruin this joyride...

Score: 4.0/5.0

Monday, 13 May 2013

Iron Man 3 Review Posted!

Well here it is, my video review of Iron Man 3! It took a little longer than I thought, but it's here finally. I hope you all enjoy the review :).

Here's the link.
Oh and stay till the end of the credits ;)...

Saturday, 11 May 2013

*Updated* The Rumour About John Hurt's Character in the Doctor Who 50thAnniversary Special

*Update* It is now confirmed that Hurt will be playing "The Doctor" (that's all that the titles said anyway). This has sort of shot my theory in the foot as the Eleventh Doctor is shown to be aware of Hurt's Doctor, which means that it's unlikely that his character will attempt to deceive the Tenth & Eleventh Doctor's in the special, though he could be messing with their memories, but that's just speculation. It pleased me to hear the Valeyard mentioned by the Great Intelligence however, and maybe it's still possible that the John Hurt could be playing the Valeyard.
*Original article*
So there's a rumour going around that John Hurt is actually playing the Ninth Doctor in the 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who. Apparently the other Doctor's have forgotten that he existed due to Hurt's Doctor supposedly being the incarnation most involved with the Time War. If this is true, then that would make Christopher Ecclestone the 10th Doctor, David Tennant the 11th Doctor and Matt Smith the 12th Doctor, which would mean the Doctor would only have one regeneration left due to Time Lords having thirteen total incarnations. Naturally, this has got a lot of the fanbase riled up, but I think there is more to this than meets the eye.

Hurt has said in an interview already that he plays "part of the Doctor" in a "kind of trinity", so that confirms that his character is at least closely tied to David & Matt's Doctor's. But that doesn't necessarily mean he is the Ninth Doctor. This "rumour" is likely an intentional leak to stir up anticipation for the special, and very likely is a fake-out.

It's my theory that Hurt's "Doctor" will eventually be revealed as the Valeyard, an evil version of the Doctor that exists somewhere between the Doctor's latter incarnations. The character first made an appearance in the Sixth Doctor story "Trial of a Time Lord". Toby Jones previously played a version of the character in the Series 5 episode "Amy's Choice". He will likely appear to the Tenth & Eleventh Doctor's claiming to be the Ninth Doctor in a bid to manipulate them for some unforeseen scheme, revealing his true identity near the end of the special.
I know this is all speculation on my part, but it would certainly make sense for a twist and I don't think anyone can argue that the Doctor being the main villain (in a way) would be an awesome idea, especially if it's John Hurt playing the role. Steven Moffat has stated that the special is about looking forward as well as looking back, and perhaps one could interpret that as resolving past aspects of the series that are still prevalent today. There's already enough evidence to suggest that Moffat is looking to resolve the Doctor/Rose relationship so it isn't too much of a stretch to assume that he's also seeking to shed more light on the events of the Time War.

Besides, this story was originally reported by The Sun, so I think we should take this with a pinch of salt anyway ;)...

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Iron Man #8 Review

Hello everybody and welcome to my review of Iron Man #8. The conclusion to the Godkiller story arc. I actually forgot to do this review until I saw Iron Man 3 a few days ago so I apologise for the delay (and I will definitely be uploading a review of Iron Man 3 to my Youtube account so look out for that).

Though I will continue to collect this series, I'm going to take a break from reviewing it as I've quite clearly been falling behind. I'll make sure to do a full review of the next story arc on my Youtube account once it concludes...


Death's Head engages Tony Stark in battle, pounding the arena floor and hurling stone columns at him. As they fight, Tony asks what happened to the rule of no enhanced combatants. Death's Head responds that he is not using his upgrades and is fighting as nature intended him, despite Tony yelling at him that he's a 30-foot robot.

Meanwhile, 451 heads to a hanger with the Voldi Heart in his hand. He recalls "the other thing" and reactivates the Iron Man armour, informing P.E.P.P.E.R of Tony's dilemma. He also asks that the A.I assure Stark that what's about to happen is for the best, before he leaves in a starfighter.

Back in the arena, Tony is keeping his distance from Death's Head, who decides that chasing Stark around the arena is "undignified" and asks him if he's familiar with the game of dodgeball, all whilst holding a giant rock in his hand. Just then the Iron Man armour bursts through the ceiling, immobilising Death's head with a single blast. As Tony thanks P.E.P.P.E.R and suits up, the Supreme Justicar declares that the trial is forfeit due to this intervention, ordering the drones to kill him.

Tony flees the ship, instructing P.E.P.P.E.R to plot a course to his portable armoury. He then contact's said armoury and requests that it prep the "warp homers". Tony arrives at the armoury shortly and attaches the warp homers, engaging the drones in combat, who don't have anything to say except "heretic!" (What riveting conversation they must make.)

Back on the Voldi starship, Princess Veritina is viewing the fight in the arena with glee, remarking that perhaps Tony could "scour his face of that keratin with some form of sharpened implement" (Really? what a radical proposition?). She then notices a group of giant robotic beings, the Star Giants & the Celestial's. One of them fires an energy beam through the skylight, destroying that section of the ship and killing Veritina instantly.

Shocked at the arrival of these giants, the Supreme Justicar makes her way to the room containing the Voldi Heart, only to realise it's been stolen. Tears in her eyes, the Supreme Justicar tells her aide to evacuate everyone from the ship, while she holds off the threat.

P.E.P.P.E.R detects that the Tear is under attack from something. Since there's no way to relay this to the drones (whose sole directive is to "annihilate heresy") Tony asks her to get them back to the ship. As they head back, the drones suddenly cut out. 451 appears in the form of a giant, holographic head in an attempt to halt Iron Man, saying he should stay
clear, but Stark just flies through him. As he accelerates towards the ship, 451 explains to him that the Voldi used the Heart as a cloaking device to hide themselves from the many races they took power from. He needed the Heart for some unknown purpose and attempts to validate the genocide by comparing the Voldi to leeches.
Tony arrives to find the Voldi Tear utterly destroyed, with no survivors whatsoever. 451 apologise to Iron Man and reveals that he has been using Stark for quite some time. Tony realises that it was 451 who drew him here with the robot fleet and 451 who tipped off the Voldi as to who he was. As the droid leaves, he repeats what he said last issue, "it's not enough to watch, eventually, you have to act". After a brief pause, Tony declares to P.E.P.P.E.R that the killer is going to pay...


Blimey, this did not go the way I was expecting. After two issues of upbeat humour in the face of otherwise deadly circumstances, the ending of the current story arc is kind of jarring, then again that's likely Kieron Gillen's intention.

With the end of this storyline, we now have a brand new addition to Iron Man's rogues gallery, 451, and much of this storyline depends on whether or not he's an effective antagonist. We don't know his full motives for stealing the Voldi Heart and so that makes him difficult to judge as a character, but his creepy, manipulative demeanour and utter ruthlessness certainly counts in his favour as a villain, not to mention the fact that he just committed genocide.

The art by Greg Land is mixed. Though I enjoy his work more than most, there were a few too many unpolished pages here, particularly when the action shifts into space. Speaking of action, the fights are certainly exciting. The Star Giants & Celestial's certainly looked intimidating.

While the last few pages indicate that this story arc has been mostly concerned with setting up the next one. I've found it very enjoyable to read. I like Gillen's voice for Iron Man and the next story arc looks to be very interesting. Hopefully Gillen will be able to deliver on the Secret Origin of Tony Stark...

Score: 3.5/5.0